
This two-day conference takes place in Dwinelle Hall 3335 at the University of California, Berkeley.

09.00      Registration

10.00      Welcome

10.30      Roundtable: What do we mean by postwar?

14.00      Post-empire, post-nation? 
TOM WRIGHT, York, A Very British punishment: The abolition of the death penalty in Britain and her empire

ERIK LINSTRUM, Harvard, The Truth about hearts and minds: Counterinsurgency and development in the postwar British Empire 

JEAN P. SMITH, UCSB, The Persistence of “imperial” networks: Postwar British migration to southern Africa

Discussants: Jordanna Bailkin, University of Washington & Thomas Metcalf, Berkeley 

16.30      Against decline? Looking to the past, imagining the future 
ANDREW KEATING, Berkeley, Imperial commemoration and national culture in postwar Britain

DANIEL S. LOSS, Brown, From ‘Redundant churches’ to ‘an inheritance unequalled’: The aestheticization of England’s historic church buildings in the 1960s and 1970s

TAL ZALMANOVICH, Rutgers, “The Great unwashed! That’s what we are, mate”: Homes and social mobility in postwar sitcoms

Discussants: Guy Ortolano, NYU & Jim Tomlinson, Dundee 

09.00      Coffee

10.00      Plenary: Jim Tomlinson

11.00      Social identities and civil society   
EVE COLPUS, Oxford,  ‘The screen is two-way’: That’s Life!, television and social activism in Britain, 19731994

CHARLOTTE GREENHALGH, Oxford,  Aging, emotion, and the welfare state in postwar Britain

CHARLES SMITH, Loughborough, New law but no new deal? Gay men and ‘the permissive society’ 1967−c.1985

Discussants: Becky Conekin, Yale & Claire Langhamer, Sussex 

14.30      The Politics of social solidarity
RAJBIR P. HAZELWOOD, Washington University, St. Louis, The Punjabi-UK diaspora and the politics of violence and disorder, c. 1975−1985

NATALIE THOMLINSON, Cambridge, Feminism, anti-racism and coalition politics in the radical left, c. 1975−1985

CHRISTOPHER MOORES, Birmingham, British civil liberties NGOs, test case strategies, and human rights politics in postwar Britain

Discussants: Gautam Premnath, Berkeley & James Vernon, Berkeley

16.30      Closing Plenary

Martin Parr, 1985